Group coaching

create Lucrative, Lasting connections for just $16/day.

Gain strategic insights and exclusive collaborative opportunities with other purpose-driven geniuses to transform your business forever.

Nothing ensures your success more than
the caliber of company you keep…

In our exclusive Inner Self Mastery Executive Community, you’ll not only surround yourself with others who are performing at the top of their respective fields without sacrificing their peace and their happiness, but enrich yourself with high-touch, cutting-edge insights and insider knowledge to skyrocket your personal and professional growth.

More specifically, as one of our ISM Executive Community members, you’ll gain access to: 

  • In-group conversations & connections 
  • Direct access to Elijah through office hours
  • Ability to ask any questions in the group or on Live Q&A’s
  • Exclusive content (Inner Self Mastery video content)
  • Live Q&A – monthly group connection calls

So join a community of elite executives who will fight with you and for you to help you realize your next level of holistic success.

Group Coaching FAQ:

How do I know if the ISM EXecutive group coaching program is right for me?

If you’re looking to get around other high-level individuals, build authentic and deep connections, and immerse yourself in an engaging community of like-minded, growth-oriented executives, entrepreneurs and influential people, the executive community is for you.

What’s included for me as a group member?

  • In-group conversations & connections 
  • Direct access to Elijah through office hours
  • Ability to ask any questions in the group or on Live Q&A’s
  • Exclusive content (Inner Self Mastery video content)
  • Live Q&A – monthly group connection calls

How much does it cost?

The Inner Self Mastery Executive Community costs $500/month or $5,000/year. You can join the community directly from the website, or if you have any other questions and need clarification, contact us so we can provide more clarity for you in your search for the right community for you to create unparalleled performance, peace, and possibility.


Join A Thriving Community Of Elite Executives Today: