Meet Elijah Mang

Founder Of The High Level Executive

Elijah Mang is a fulfilling life coach who specializes in helping high level executives, entrepreneurs, and influential men attain inner self mastery. This allows them to reconnect with their latent genius and experience unparalleled performance, peace, and possibility. 

After decades of observing my parents stressing over money and turning inconveniences into chaos… something had to change. To escape from this overwhelming stress, I got outside of myself.

I hiked mountains, meditated, and went on impromptu excursions to different countries. All of this inner work and outer exploration soon led to a shift that irrevocably changed my life. 

By combining deep inner transformation with expansive outer exploration, I uncovered the secret. The secret to not only my own freedom, but the freedom of millions of high level men.

Today, I serve as a prominent mentor to influential men and am on a mission to help others be happy & live free one person at a time.

Exclusive For Executives:

Bespoke mentorship made with your busy life in mind. 

Safe & Supportive Healing:

To awaken your genius with complete fidelity & discretion

Rapid & Real:

Timely, immersive inner healing focused on results

Deep & Broad Expertise:

Blending coaching, hypnosis & in person experiences

Specific & Tailored Advice:

Personalized, compassionate care for you & your needs

Results That Last:

Experience fulfillment & joy that stays with you forever


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